Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lady MacBeth Journal: 1

As I can see Duncan living a fabulous life, I know that I want that.  The good life where everyone bows down to me, Lady MacBeth! I can see it now...

Now all I have to do is talk MacBeth into murdering King Duncan! aha! Well that will be an easy task considering all the manipulative things I've done to him in the past.  Now journal, ask me this, what is the one thing women most desire? or maybe not just women but everyone? Power. Of course who doesn't want to be the one that has power over all around you.

  I shall have a back up plan just in case MacBeth decides not to follow through on my plan to kill Duncan,  I could possibly, mock him? Oh yes, by questioning his manhood!

Perfect this task will be easier then stealing candy from a baby.

-Lady M.