This post will be quite long as Iwill first post the Exit slip rewrite which is due for Tuesday.(Some of you might have handed it in class.) Secondly, I will post the the group assignment, which is due Wed Dec 14. Now remember your journals are due Dec 14 as well. (That is also our Secret Santa day)
EQ Rewrite
One paragraph only.
Take a look at 3 of your EQ’s.
Look at the feedback I have given you.
Discuss with a partner which one you feel is best to rewrite.
Look for evidence in the play.
Work them into what you have already written.
Explain why your new piece is improved
I want a topic sentence hint it should connect to your EQ)
3 PEE’s-these all connect to your EQ- you are giving me 3 reasons/statements/supports for your topic sentences
Concluding sentence hint it wraps up what you said, connects to EQ)
Macbeth Group Scene Analysis
Select a group that you will work well with. This is a summative assignment (the marks count).
Before you present your act to the class, you need to:
Give a plot summary
A description of the setting.
An explanation of how your scene is connected to the previous scene.
Clearly identify all the characters and ensure that they are distinguishable throughout the presentation.
Reword your SCENE and present it to the class, in a combo of modern English and Old English.(eg. All hail Macbeth).
You want to make sure you maintain the integrity of the SCENE.***See handout
You need to find the key moments.
You will all have to take on key individual parts.
Together you will then showcase the SCENE to the class. Some parts do need to be acted out. (If you do not want to do a live version, you can prerecord one).
Ensure that you add life to your scene(s) and make them come alive.
They do not need to be memorized, but I do not want any BOOKS being used or full scripts. You may use cue cards and still receive full credit.
You have TO ANALYZE your SCENE.
You need to explain the significance of your SCENE in the play.
Why was this scene or scene important to the play? (evidence)
What are the key issues,
What are the characters talking about and why is that essential to the development of the plot. You also need to explain how it connects to AT LEAST TWO essential questions and why.(Why did you pick them, how did you connect to them, where is your evidence to help explain what they mean. Why are these two questions significant to you?)See handout for guidance
***I am not reposting the rubric I gave you as the chart messes up. Also when I take a screen shot it is too small to read, so until I can figure out something better, please use your original rubric.****
To Repeat Myself and clarify further:
I. Get in groups of three.
II. Select a major scene from Macbeth that you would like to “redo” in the style and time period of your choice.1-1- 1.3, 1-4 &1.5, 1.6&7, 2.1&2.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.1-4.2, 4..3-4.4, 5.1-5.3, 5.7&5.8
III. Think about how it connects to the previous scene-you will have to explain this to your audience.
IV. Consult the actual scene in the Macbeth text. Skim the scene with your group. Check out various clips on the internet. Who are the characters? What are they doing? Who is talking the most? What action is occurring? What is this scene about? What is its theme or main idea? What message do you think Shakespeare is sending by having the characters act as they do? How does this scene connect to at least two EQ’s?
V. Write down, in one or two sentences, the theme of this scene. How does it connect to at least two EQ? What’s the big deal? What is worth remembering? How do you feel after reading this scene? What do you think about?
VI. Now that you’ve contemplated your scene’s theme, made a list of its characters, and understand what is going on, decide how you would like to recreate your scene for me and your classmates. What time period are you choosing? What is the place and setting of your re-creation? What do your characters look like? What are they wearing? How do they talk? What kind of accents do they have?
VI You will then either make a movie of your scene,(it can be with animated characters etc or you) or you will act it out live in class. If you have another idea on how to present this, please discuss with me.
Success at articulating and capturing your scene’s major theme, message, or idea
Quality, creativity, and depth-of-thought of script
Clarity and professionalism of theatrical re-enactment
Evidence of equal involvement of all group members
On your own:
Individually each group member has to write and individual understanding of the presentation.
I would like a min. 1page write up where you bring in specific evidence as to how any two(2) essential questions connect to your scene. I would also like to know why you selected those particular EQ’s.
I would also like to know what have you learned about Macbeth in doing this presentation and why have you learned that. (Please give me some reasons)
This presentation was a group project. Tell me what you have discovered about working collaboratively (in groups). What worked well and what would you do differently next time.
Do you feel that all the work was equally distributed and why or why not.
Overall, please tell me what you are proud of and why.