Favourite Character
Who is your favourite character in your novel?
What makes your favourite character interesting?
How would you describe the relationships between your favourite character and the other characters around her/him?
Relationship #1: Character: _____________
Relationship #2: Character: _____________
How do you learn about characters in novels?
Everything your character does is filtered through your perspective and your experiences.
Character actions: What they say, what they do, what they think, and their relationships.
Other characters: How other characters react to, and what they say about, the character in question.
Group Sociogram Activity
In your table group, create a sociogram for the characters in your novel, centred around the relationships of the protagonist (main character).
Look for connections, links, and clues between characters. Ask yourself what the function and significance of each character is. Base your connections on the character's history, what the reader is told (and not told), and what characters say about themselves and others.
Homework- Answer two out of three questions:
Are you more interested in characters that are similar to you, or different than you? Why do you think this is the case?
Can you identify with any of the relationships between characters in your novel? If so, which ones? If not, why not?
How do our relationships with others show our values?