Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday Sept 29 Homework

1.Finish looking at the poems. You should have a total of 5 poems.(you debriefed with a partner in class so you would have their notes for some of your poems.)

2.Answer any 2 of the Blog/journal questions about ALL of the poems. (They are broad questions that relate to all poems.)

3. Find a song that connects to identity in general or your identity.( handout from class has further instructions and Handout is below.)

POetry Handout From Class today

Poetry Instructions

Select poems

Notes/Quotes/Questions charts for the poems- 1 per poem

Select an EQ to connect with each poem. Try to use a variety of questions. In other words do not always use the same question.

Discuss your comments your findings your questions first with a partner, then with your group.

Select a piece of music that connects to identity. Do the same as above. At home-
Option 1-link the music to your blog(remember copyright rules).
Option 2- Print a copy of your lyrics and put them in your journal.

Everyone- explain why you have selected this piece of music.


Please write a blog response addressing Two (2) of the following questions.

• Which of the poems had the most meaning for you personally?
• What thoughts and/or feelings did the texts evoke in you? Why?
• What ideas or feelings seem most significant to you? Why?
• Does the poetry remind you of anything significant in your own life? Explain.
• How do poems resonate with your own experience?
• How can reflecting on the differences and similarities in the poems/pieces help you clarify your own identity as distinct/or similar from/to the character in the text?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Unit 1 Essential Questions

How are people transformed through their relationships with others?

How does what I know about the world shape the way we view ourselves?

How do our personal experiences shape our views of others? Ourselves?

What does it mean to be an insider or an outsider?

What personal qualities help or hinder a person’s

What is humanity?


Tuesday Sept 27

Please rewrite your journal/blog for Thursday. take the feedback you were given in class and look at the rubric to make it your best journal entry. hand it in with your draft. If you are posting on your blog re post as a new post I can always go back to your original post.

This is due Thursday Sept 29

Also due Sept 29: Finish reading a second poem and complete at least two rows on the notes/quotes/ questions chart. Select any EQ that works for you.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Journal Comment Instructions
I would like you to answer the following questions. Write at least one sentence for each question.

What is the focus of their journal? Is it clear and concise in the introduction? Is it focused? Does it engage you? Why or why not?

Of all the examples and quotations contained in this response, which is the strongest? Why? What made it stand out above the others? Was it supported and well explained?

What is one thing this journal does well? It could be its organization, word choice, writing style, choice of quotations, introduction, conclusion, etc. In addition to mentioning what the author does well, copy and paste an example of what you thought was particularly effective. Be sure to put the example in quotations.

What is one piece of advice that the author might consider when making his/her final revisions? Your suggestion could be about integrating vocabulary, citing quotes, polishing the introduction, ending with a strong conclusion, etc.

Your comments should appear below the journal you are responding to. (If you are responding on the blog please respond in the comment section. Or they can add you on as an author and you can write a new post for the comments)

Then give 3 quick Praise, Polish, Ponder statements summarizing your feedback.

Journal Response Feedback Guidelines

Journal Feedback guidelines
I would like you to answer the following questions. Write at least one sentence for each question.

What is the focus of their journal? Is it clear and concise in the introduction? Is it focused? Does it engage you? Why or why not?

Of all the examples and quotations contained in this response, which is the strongest? Why? What made it stand out above the others? Was it supported and well explained? *****For your first journal, this does not apply*** For all others it should.

What is one thing this journal does well? It could be its organization, word choice, writing style, choice of quotations, introduction, conclusion, etc. In addition to mentioning what the author does well, copy and paste an example of what you thought was particularly effective. Be sure to put the example in quotations.

What is one piece of advice that the author might consider when making his/her final revisions? Your suggestion could be about integrating vocabulary, citing quotes, polishing the introduction, ending with a strong conclusion, etc.

Your comments should appear below the journal you are responding to. (If you are responding on the blog please respond in the comment section. Or they can add you on as an author and you can write a new post for the comments)

Then give 3 quick Praise, Polish, Ponder statements summarizing your feedback.

Sites for finding images to use


Flickr creative commons – a collection of photographs with creative commons sharing license:


Morgue File

Wikimedia Commons


Creative commons search

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I am project - Maggie

"I am" video of Maggie from block 2-4
Video in link below

Journal Response

Respond to the following Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes.

To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, -- that is genius. Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.
You can either respond freely in your journals or on your blog to the above quotes.


If you are finding it a challenge to begin you can address the following questions:

What is Emerson advocating?
Give an example from your life in which you either followed or did not follow Emerson's advice. What were the results?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Identity Project DUE THURSDAY SEPT 22

Here is your task on Identity Due Thursday Sept 22

Get to know your class and your identity

I am from…
I am like a….
I am thinking/wondering….
I am feeling…
I am hoping…
I am wanting to…
I am afraid of….
I am….
I am proud of…
I am a …..

Think about the discussions we have had about identity and what shapes you. Look at any notes you have been recording. What have people been saying about you, what have you been saying about yourself.

Assignment: You are going to visually represent your self and share who you are with the class.

Option 1:

Make a collage to illustrate what you have written. You can paste or write your phrases all around your visual to add impact. Make sure that there are no blank spots on the paper. You want to include images that represent you. You do not need to have an image of yourself, but if you do that would be great. Use appropriate images, materials etc that you feel represents who you are.

You need to include a minimum of 10 different I am statements.

Option 2:

Make a movie maker clip or I movie to illustrate what you have written. You want to include images that represent you. You do not need to have an image of yourself, but if you do that would be great. Use appropriate images and music that you feel represents who you are.

You need to include a minimum of 10 different I am statements.

AN EXAMPLE OF AN EE-FM I am statement: I am afraid of darkness because it is unknown and and there are places I have not ventured to yet.

MM-ny I am afraid of darkness because it is dark/black.

******* Rubrics never transfer well****

Refer to your handout.
(However all the info is here)

I am Rubric

Criteria EE-FM M MM NY
I Am Representation Addresses all aspects of topic (Identity).
Several detail/support accurately and creatively explained Addresses all aspects of topic (Identity).
Support and detail somewhat developed Minimally Addresses topic (Identity).
Responds to question Does include some detail/ support; parts may be inaccurate or missing Does not respond to topic or only part; may misinterpret topic and no detail / support

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What is Identity Block 4

Who you are

What is Identity Block 2

Characteristics that make us who we are
Physical/emotional appearance
race religion physiological
Who people think we are
who we think we are
Talents and faults
What makes you different
How you live your life
Explains who you are as a person
Likes and dislikes
How people see you and how you see yourself
Influenced by your surroundings

What is Identity Block 1

Appearance attributes religion
Their life
Place where they have been past present future
Relationships with others
What you are
Culture properties
Values you have and want to believe in
Physical attributes
How you express yourself
Morals and beliefs
Defines who you are
Your social status
Characteristics and traits
Background/ nationality
Traditions with family
Ability to face and overcome hardships and how you overcome and react to them
Define the limits of what others set for you
Constantly evolving
The people you are around

Monday, September 5, 2011

Survey to collect Data

Please fill out the following survey. It is confidentitial and only I get the info.
Thank you.


Hi and Welcome to the English 11 blog.

This is just one of the ways we will be communicating this year. This is an optional way to communicate but it is one of the ways I will be posting your assignments and homework. If you lose a hard copy of your handout you can always come to this blog and print off a copy of the handout.

If you are away from school you will see what we did as the work will be here so it will be easy for you to catch up. You can stay on top of what we are doing while you are away and even submit your work on line.

You have the option of sharing your work on this blog, the class blog which will be viewed by all three English classes or on your own private blog. Just remember to submit it. Those of you who hate technology- please keep a journal where you can hand your work into me that way when I say we have a blog entry to do.

When we comment on blogs- for peer editing- please feel free to ask your friends and they can be from any of my classes. We just need to make sure everyone has someone giving them feedback at times and that we vary who we receive our feedback from. We learn from our feedback which is why we are here. Oscar Wilde once said " Experience is a name everyone gives to their mistakes."

So here is to a wonderful year ahead!!!

How to set up your blog


***Have you signed and returned your Student Release Form yet?***

1. Go to

2. Click the link/button that says “Create a Blog”

3. Create a Google Account by filling in the required information (unless you already have an account; then just sign in)

NB: the e-mail address is required for account creation purposes only. Your e-mail address will NOT appear anywhere on your blog.

NB: your display name Must be your first name. EG: Danielle’s English 11 blog

4. Click the box “I accept the terms of service”; click “continue”

5. Title your blog and decide on the blog’s address; click “continue” Please include your first name again in the title

6. Pick a template.

7. Personalize your blog.

8. E-mail your blog address to Mrs. Caldwell:
9. You also need to link your blog to the class blog. This needs to be done in class. You also want to make sure that I am one of your followers.

Start blogging!

The fine print:
Your blog is a space for your thoughts/questions/rants but please remember that it is, ultimately, a public work that is part of a school assignment hosted on a widely accessible website.

Don’t post any personal information, links or photos (of yourself or others) and keep your language and comments appropriate to that which would be used in a classroom setting. Inability to follow these rules will result in academic and disciplinary consequences