Sunday, September 18, 2011

Identity Project DUE THURSDAY SEPT 22

Here is your task on Identity Due Thursday Sept 22

Get to know your class and your identity

I am from…
I am like a….
I am thinking/wondering….
I am feeling…
I am hoping…
I am wanting to…
I am afraid of….
I am….
I am proud of…
I am a …..

Think about the discussions we have had about identity and what shapes you. Look at any notes you have been recording. What have people been saying about you, what have you been saying about yourself.

Assignment: You are going to visually represent your self and share who you are with the class.

Option 1:

Make a collage to illustrate what you have written. You can paste or write your phrases all around your visual to add impact. Make sure that there are no blank spots on the paper. You want to include images that represent you. You do not need to have an image of yourself, but if you do that would be great. Use appropriate images, materials etc that you feel represents who you are.

You need to include a minimum of 10 different I am statements.

Option 2:

Make a movie maker clip or I movie to illustrate what you have written. You want to include images that represent you. You do not need to have an image of yourself, but if you do that would be great. Use appropriate images and music that you feel represents who you are.

You need to include a minimum of 10 different I am statements.

AN EXAMPLE OF AN EE-FM I am statement: I am afraid of darkness because it is unknown and and there are places I have not ventured to yet.

MM-ny I am afraid of darkness because it is dark/black.

******* Rubrics never transfer well****

Refer to your handout.
(However all the info is here)

I am Rubric

Criteria EE-FM M MM NY
I Am Representation Addresses all aspects of topic (Identity).
Several detail/support accurately and creatively explained Addresses all aspects of topic (Identity).
Support and detail somewhat developed Minimally Addresses topic (Identity).
Responds to question Does include some detail/ support; parts may be inaccurate or missing Does not respond to topic or only part; may misinterpret topic and no detail / support