Monday, September 5, 2011


Hi and Welcome to the English 11 blog.

This is just one of the ways we will be communicating this year. This is an optional way to communicate but it is one of the ways I will be posting your assignments and homework. If you lose a hard copy of your handout you can always come to this blog and print off a copy of the handout.

If you are away from school you will see what we did as the work will be here so it will be easy for you to catch up. You can stay on top of what we are doing while you are away and even submit your work on line.

You have the option of sharing your work on this blog, the class blog which will be viewed by all three English classes or on your own private blog. Just remember to submit it. Those of you who hate technology- please keep a journal where you can hand your work into me that way when I say we have a blog entry to do.

When we comment on blogs- for peer editing- please feel free to ask your friends and they can be from any of my classes. We just need to make sure everyone has someone giving them feedback at times and that we vary who we receive our feedback from. We learn from our feedback which is why we are here. Oscar Wilde once said " Experience is a name everyone gives to their mistakes."

So here is to a wonderful year ahead!!!