Friday, January 6, 2012

the parody assignment

Here is the parody assignment. Draft is due Tuesday. You need to have something to work with for Tuesday's class.
Macbeth Parody

You have seen a sample of a creatively crafted parody of the witches predictions. It is your turn now to create your own parody. If you want more samples you can check out the website; (Scots on the Rocks).

• You can do this by yourself or with a partner. (No groups of 3).
• You must choose a passage that has at least 20 lines. (Eg is this a dagger…. ) You can combine passages.
• You need to effectively create an overall mood of the passage.
• Your piece needs to mimic those that you are making the parody of.(They have to follow the same pattern).
• You need to follow the same rhyme scheme and rhythm in your writing.
• You have used some form a symbolism to help convey your message and it is clear.
• You are creative and imaginative in your writing.

Criteria EE FM M-MM NY
Mood/word choice
Rhythm and rhyme scheme
Overall clarity of expression