Here is the parody assignment. Draft is due Tuesday. You need to have something to work with for Tuesday's class.
Macbeth Parody
You have seen a sample of a creatively crafted parody of the witches predictions. It is your turn now to create your own parody. If you want more samples you can check out the website; (Scots on the Rocks).
• You can do this by yourself or with a partner. (No groups of 3).
• You must choose a passage that has at least 20 lines. (Eg is this a dagger…. ) You can combine passages.
• You need to effectively create an overall mood of the passage.
• Your piece needs to mimic those that you are making the parody of.(They have to follow the same pattern).
• You need to follow the same rhyme scheme and rhythm in your writing.
• You have used some form a symbolism to help convey your message and it is clear.
• You are creative and imaginative in your writing.
Criteria EE FM M-MM NY
Mood/word choice
Rhythm and rhyme scheme
Overall clarity of expression